Inflatables are a powerful visible promotion at much lower cost than traditional advertising!

Put a huge inflatable Dog on your roof!
Suddenly, you stand out from malls, stores and shopping centers by creating visual attraction.
Inflatable advertising focuses your marketing dollar on your most valuable audience: everyday drive-by traffic. You’ve created an impression and introduced yourself to someone new, and reminded past customers about your business.
Don’t become part of the commute “landscape.” By changing the appearance of your business in a dramatic way, you create renewed interest. Inflatable advertising can be used to keep reintroducing your business to the public.

grab attention with a
Animal shapes are our customers’ favorite.
Children love them, and every parent with kids on board will be directed to look at the inflatable (one roof top dinosaur = 500 times “Mommy! Mommy! Look!” everyday). Using many different inflatables can keep the outdoor promotional campaign fresh, and draw renewed interest from daily commuters on the road in front of your business.

Large inflatables instantly define your brand and location.
Associating your logo or product with your physical location helps customers retain the knowledge of who you are, where you are, and to create desire for what you sell.

We deliver a worry-free promotion: You can focus on your sales and customers.
We take care of every facet of your inflatable rental or purchase, from installation and maintenance to removal, storage, and cleaning.
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